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黑眼圈是怎么形成的 😴眼袋形成的原因多种多样,包括遗传因素、年龄增长导致皮肤松弛、过度疲劳、睡眠不足以及饮食不均衡等。此外,过敏性鼻炎或湿疹也可能引起黑眼圈。保持良好的生活习惯,如规律作息、健康饮食和适量运动,可以有效预防黑眼圈的产生。对于已经形成的黑眼圈,可以通过使用眼霜、冷敷和按摩等方式进行缓解。

导读 Black Eye Circles: How Are They Formed? 😴 The reasons for the formation of eye bags vary widely, including gen...

Black Eye Circles: How Are They Formed? 😴 The reasons for the formation of eye bags vary widely, including genetic factors, skin laxity caused by aging, overwork, lack of sleep, and unbalanced diets. Additionally, allergic rhinitis or eczema may also lead to dark circles under the eyes. Maintaining good living habits, such as regular rest, healthy eating, and moderate exercise, can effectively prevent the formation of dark circles. For already formed dark circles, they can be alleviated through methods like using eye cream, cold compresses, and massage.
