腿肿是什么原因 🩸小腿水肿可能由多种因素引起,包括长时间站立或坐着不动、静脉曲张、淋巴系统问题或是心脏、肾脏疾病等。如果腿部突然出现不明原因的肿胀,建议及时就医检查,以排除潜在健康风险。保持适度运动,避免久坐久站,穿着舒适的鞋子,都有助于缓解腿部水肿症状。
2025-03-02 00:13:31
导读 Leg Swelling: What Causes It 🩸 Swollen legs can be caused by various factors, such as prolonged standing or si...
Leg Swelling: What Causes It 🩸 Swollen legs can be caused by various factors, such as prolonged standing or sitting, varicose veins, lymphatic system issues, or even heart and kidney diseases. If your leg suddenly swells without any apparent reason, it's advisable to seek medical attention promptly to rule out any underlying health risks. Regular exercise, avoiding long periods of sitting or standing, and wearing comfortable shoes can help alleviate the symptoms of leg swelling.